1980 to 1989



• Harbor Springs II, an all-College retreat featuring faculty, administrators, staff 和董事会成员. 学院修订的延续 过程.


In the 1980's the Lady Saints become competitors in many sports, including volleyball. In the mid-1980's, women's volleyball coach Sharon Schatz took teams to numerous conference 锦标赛.

的 maintenance shack becomes the destination of choice for a scary Halloween party 每年十月,由物理设备部主办.


十大赌博登录官网运动员享受持续的成功. Fabian Knizacky在竞走中创造了记录 并在全国范围内参加比赛. 投手Dave Gumpert和Paul Assenmacher 带领圣徒队取得胜利,后来进入大联盟职业生涯. 戴夫•Gumpert pitching for the Kansas Royals, is elected to the National Association of Intercollegiate 1988年入选田径棒球名人堂. 在1995年和1997年,阿森马赫缓解了压力 在克利夫兰印第安人队的世界大赛中. 80年代中期,排球教练 Sharon Schatz takes teams to numerous conference 锦标赛 and international competition 在夏季.

左图:1982年霍姆德尼翻修的接待处. 原来的建筑,竖立起来 in 1908 as part of the Lowe family estate, had been used since 1955 as a residence 为在学院任教和工作的多明尼加姐妹们准备的. 在20世纪80年代早期 building was transformed from a residence to an office space for administrators, including 校长,还有几个院系的教员. 1982年,这座建筑 received historical landmark status from the Grand Rapids Historic Preservation Committee. Even though the building had to be brought up to modern fire code with enclosed staircases, 室内房间的历史感被保留了下来.


1984 to 1986


的 Art and Music Center opens in 1984, with its acoustically fine Krestchmer Recital 音乐会大厅. 该中心由十大赌博正规平台在线校友和建筑师设计 阿尔弗雷德·刘,1965年. 最近开业的艺术和音乐中心迅速成为一个圣地 适合前卫和传统的艺术和音乐.

新开业的艺术和音乐中心设有音乐节目和演奏厅 下层是艺术教室,上层是画廊. 它的工作室外观 out over the wooded ravine and stream that run through the north end of the campus.

Aquinas's lovely green campus makes a perfect setting for study in pleasant weather. 的 beautifully wooded campus continues to be a draw for potential students, and the 当有人建议砍伐树木时,校园社区就会奋起反抗.


的 Insignis Program for Honors Students is founded by Gary Eberle to be an educational 提高计划,服务于高成就的学生的需要. 提供特殊 seminars and senior projects which encourage students to go into greater depth in their majors, the program will eventually grow from the initial twelve students to 一百多岁.




Aquinas women’s basketball great Kathy Grzegorski led the Lady Saints to victory in 1980年的. 凯西以2037分成为十大赌博登录官网的得分王. Women's basketball is a new addition to Aquinas athletic offerings, and under coach Patti Tibaldi the lady Saints take many titles, including the National Catholic Championship in 1984.

的 Woodhouse library went from its old card catalog system to a computerized automated 得益于大急流城基金会35万美元的资助.


As one of his final initiatives while in office, President Hruby initiates "age integration," erasing the line between traditional age and continuing education students, thus streamlining 管理和鼓励在课堂上更大的年龄多样性.

女子足球 在20世纪80年代中期成为一项新运动,并很快成为WHAC的一股力量.

妇女中心 在校园开放,关注女性的需求. 最后,辅修了女性研究 是否被添加到课程中.


1986年,十大赌博登录官网体育界传奇人物拉雷·哈迪登上了世界纪录. 哈代的得分 2,643 points in his career at Aquinas, setting a still-standing college record and 使他成为全国得分最高的大学球员之一.

After a long Michigan winter, Aquinas students celebrate with "Thank God It's Spring," 1986. This annual day of fun and frivolity becomes a fixture of campus life for several 多年来平衡秋季的晚会周末.

Norbert Hruby retires from the presidency in 1986 after 16 years of innovation and 进步. 他在总统任期内留下的遗产是一些以前服务的新项目 缺医少药人群. 接替他的是博士。. Peter D. 奥康纳,他被选中 成为十大赌博正规平台在线的第三任校长,带领学院进入20世纪90年代.

啤酒帐篷仍然是周末晚会的固定设施. 这里是资深图书管理员Hiram Bakes 从柜台递给口渴的女校友一杯水.


1987 to 1989


Dr. Peter J. 奥康纳被选为十大赌博正规平台在线的第三任校长. 几乎 immediately, O'Connor puts into place an ambitious campus plan, taking on deferred 维护项目和校园扩建规划. 技术上的变化包括 the laying of fiber optic cable in anticipation of campus computerization, and a renovation 阿尔伯特·马格努斯科学馆.

学院采购 克里斯托弗的房子 和10.天主教教区的伍德沃德巷和罗宾逊路的五英亩土地 以满足不断扩大的需求 荣誉学院 并为进一步发展提供空间.


的 long-awaited office 塔之外 to Albertus Magnus Hall of Science begins construction in 1987. 阿尔伯塔斯大厅的翻新是由大急流城的拨款资助的 基金会. 这座四层楼的塔楼于1989年投入使用,包含教师办公室 space, a Science and Mathematics Division office, meeting rooms and a student lounge.

Excavating for the foundation of the faculty office towerto be added to Albertus Hall in 1987.


的 wall of the 1960 section of Albertus Hall is removed to make way for the 1987 塔之外.

Renovated Albertus Hall from the south, showing the new black louvered panels which 取代了1960年建筑的橙红色铝材.

阿尔伯塔斯大厅的改造和扩建只是其中的一部分 校园改造 和升级 由彼得·奥康纳总统领导. 1988年,一款高科技的IBM ROLM电话 system is installed campus wide, introducing faculty, staff and students to the dubious 奇迹 phone-mail. 同年,学院安装了 同事软件系统 管理财务和学习记录

新生人文课程 启动. 要求所有入学的一年级学生,学业上进 program is designed to provide students with an intellectual framework for understanding 西方文明的发展在两个学期的强化课程.


频谱奖学金比赛 已经开始吸引优秀学生学习十大赌博登录官网了吗. 旨在绘制学术 and campus leaders, it offers five full scholarships to students who compete in this 一年一度的周六只有受邀者参加的比赛. 最终,有几百名学生 每年竞争奖学金. 比赛的获胜者自动产生 成为荣誉学生徽章计划的成员.

To hear an automated message from "Silicon Sal," the official voice of Aquinas' phone-mail, 点击这里. 你将被链接到一段“历史地说:口述历史”的音频片段 十大赌博正规平台在线."

1988年7月, 改革宗圣经学院 and 十大赌博正规平台在线 agree to the terms of a contract for the sale of the nearby RBC 以600万美元的价格卖给十大赌博登录官网大学. 这次收购虽然代价高昂,但却增加了11栋建筑 to the College and connects the main campus with the recently purchased Browne Center (前克里斯托弗·豪斯). 到1988年秋天,十大赌博正规平台在线的学生占据了RBC的一些住所 大厅.


In 1988, President Peter O'Connor makes an offer to 改革宗圣经学院 president 埃德温·D. 罗尔打算买下毗邻十大赌博登录官网的RBC园区. 这笔600万美元的交易 gains the college 11 new buildings and expands the campus greatly, but the cost and 随后的偿债给十大赌博登录官网带来了巨大的经济负担.

20世纪80年代末,奥康纳校长负责监督学院的扩张. 之一 他担任校长的目标是澄清学院的使命和 重新强调天主教和多米尼加的传统.

October: a campus furor is started when President O'Connor proposes changing the tree 作为书院的标志. 最后,这棵树拒绝被砍伐 熟悉的标志以这样或那样的形式存在了许多年.


书院庆祝 继续教育项目20周年纪念. 长期以来,十大赌博登录官网一直是终身学习领域公认的领导者. 的 为期一周的活动在学术大楼举行.

夏天:十大赌博登录官网发起了800万美元的资本运动,叫做 十大赌博正规平台在线发展壮大 in order to create a freestanding library, to purchase new science instrumentation, 并为加拿大皇家银行最近的校园收购提供资金.

October: Monsignor Arthur Bukowski, first president 十大赌博正规平台在线, dies of congestive 心脏衰竭. 他的葬礼当天大学停课. 校园 教堂以他的名字重新命名.

11月: 十大赌博登录官网大学儿童发展中心 在玛丽伍德的校园里开设了第一家分店. 最终,它移动到 主校区,然后到圣. 阿德伯特的学校在大急流城西区附近.


In 1989, after Monsignor Bukowski's death, the chapel was renamed the Bukowski Pastoral Center. 这座建筑是最初的洛威地产的一部分,曾为学院服务, over the years, as a physical education building, art building, and finally, chapel 在20世纪70年代的一场大火几乎烧毁了这座建筑之后.

In 1989, thanks to the generous contributions of the Hansknecht family, the Fatima Shrine in honor of Aquinas students who died in World War II is refurbished and rededicated.

的 Baldwin 基金会, under the leadership of Ralph Baldwin, contributes $30,000 向建设首都运动迈进 新天文台 阿尔伯塔斯大厅顶部.

Students continue the College's commitment to social service with Hunger and 首页lessness Awareness Week and work with Degage Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, and God's Kitchen.